'BMW'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2009.02.10 SF BMW


Daily Words 2009. 2. 10. 10:42
I plan to buy a new car when I think my current 8-9 year old car is old enough.
For now, it runs just as fine.
It can keep up with my reckless driving and it has not caused any problems ever since the factory defect ignition had issues with a crack.
I run the highway, between cars and lanes for 80-85 mph, and it is just fine.
And I think it will be fine for a long time, too.
I don't mind.
It also has pretty good mpg for an old car, or even compared to any mid-size cars.

But I always thought that my next car purchase would be either Mercedes or Lexus.
Until I heard this story.

One person I know had leased a BMW from SF for 2 years.
After 2 years, he decided to purchase the car.
But since he signed the purchase paper,
the car had been having issues, and had to be towed in the middle of the road for 5 times in a couple months.
So, he goes back to SF BMW dealer, and makes an offer that he would return the car, would forgo the payments he has been made, and would buy a brand new model from him.
The dealer said NO.

So, this guy sues SF BMW, and won.
He will return the car, and get his purchase payments back, and his LEASE PAYMENTS as well. The judge also told SF BMW to pay for the ATTORNEY FEES.

He got all the money back for free 2 years and 4-5 months of ride including the litigation period, and purchased a brand new Mercedes... and these days are like the perfect time to buy a brand new car for people with cash and in need of a car.

I think I should consider going to SF BMW.
It sounds like they have both stupid dealers and stupid lawyers.
I wish the same thing would happen to me when I buy from them.

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG