'facebook'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2009.09.15 At the First Brush
  2. 2008.09.23 Promotions

At the First Brush

Daily Words 2009. 9. 15. 10:29

I am not skilled in socializing... Not at all.
I hardly can find any topic to discuss with almost everyone I meet, or even those whom I have known (not befriended) for a long time.

I don't know what's the problem (other than me), but there are not many things that I can find common interests with majority of people - although I spend a significant amount of time everyday reading several newspapers on various topics (although highly concentrated on finance and economy sections) and watching sports. Perhaps it should be noted that my interests could be unique or different from most people's and I hardly can follow or join a discussion if that does not involve something of my interests. I simply don't know when and how to join a conversation.

This year, there have been only two people I could talk to at the first brush. I never realized this because I usually avoid talking to people that I am not comfortable to be with, and I never had to keep track since it happens so rarely and unintentionally. I somehow came to think about this very recently.

Those two people of this year are B and J... But now I am kinda forbidden to talk to B or be engaged in any social interaction with B because of M, my friend.

Wait... I can't remember when I met my friends in Tango Gelato. It definitely feels like last year... but if meeting Z (and S) were this year, I guess I am lucky to have 4 people I could talk to this year. But there is a great chance I met Z and S last year.

Darn. I deviated from the topic. Anyway, yeah. Socializing is a tough task for me, unless it happens naturally by some "clicks" between me and the other - it almost never happens. So I tend to value those "clicks" and people I get to click with. But it's also true that I misunderstand the other's innate super-socializing nature as one of the "clicks". Some people are just great at making conversations with anybody, including a group of social black holes including myself.

Here I am again... Acknowledging myself as a social being despite of knowing my long history of solitude.
Is this why I use so many social networking sites and post so many random posts? Because deep inside, I want to know that someone is listening from me? I have no idea... But it sure feels nice I get to have some comments to reply back and forth in Twitter, and if my shared item in Facebook gets some comments.

Ah, my obscure social orientation, if it can be called as one.
Posted by 【洪】ILHONG


Daily Words 2008. 9. 23. 15:13
Things I promoted to my peers in the past:
1) Gmail
2) Google Talk
3) Skype
4) Facebook
5) Flock
6) Twitter
7) MSN Messenger
8) Yahoo! Blog

Things that were failed to be promoted:
1) Skype
2) Twitter

Things that added meaningful number of users (people I keep in touch with):
1) Gmail
2) Google Talk
3) Facebook

Things that cannot be said of:
1) MSN Messenger - Yahoo contacts and MSN contacts can be added on both of different messengers.
2) Yahoo Blog - I suspect there were readers, but even I moved away.
3) Flock - It had met several challenges like Firefox 3 and Chrome in its infancy...

Things that I am trying:
1) Plurk
2) Google Friend
3) Gigya Socialize
4) Lala
5) Pandora
6) Pidgin
7) Chrome

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG