Daily Words

Missing Exercises

【洪】ILHONG 2004. 6. 14. 18:25

For two days, I missed to go to gym...

Well, I do not enjoy walking in the rain alone - if I am with a girl with an umbrella, I might enjoy......

Today, now, there are lightnings and thunders...
I do not wish to go to gym now, where there is a big chance that I might meet storm on the way return and wet my sneakers and wash again...

Anyway, I didn't sleep for last two days and nights, and I finally slept this morning after studying a little and killing time over the night. I slept around 8 am, after trying all the possibilities that might make me sleepy.

Those are eating noodles, drinking milk, and reading bible...

One strange thing, though, is that I was neither sleepy nor tired...
I was never like ....

I really wanted to sleep, but it was not because I was sleepy or so... It wasa strange experience... but it happened...

I am worrying that I might be experiencing insomnia...hope not, though. I might have plenty of time to study lexicons, but I might be easily embarassed and messs with my concentration...