'Reviews'에 해당되는 글 81건

  1. 2010.08.29 Edge of Darkness
  2. 2010.08.29 The Lover
  3. 2010.08.24 It's Complicated

Edge of Darkness

Reviews 2010. 8. 29. 17:31
A good Hollywood movie.
Liam Neeson was in the Taken, here is Mel Gibson.
Another old bad-ass in chase for a (dead) daughter.

"Everything is illegal in Massachusetts."

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG

The Lover

Reviews 2010. 8. 29. 17:29
A movie with good attention to details.

Love be.

"A love like this... so strong... it never happens in a life time. Never."

This movie keeps interesting with simulation of sex with a teenage girl and the nudity of both Tony Leung and Jane March, but it does touch emotional side of the two main characters and their own misfortunes. Felt like a dirty version of many Korean soap operas with a rich guy and a poor girl.

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG

It's Complicated

Reviews 2010. 8. 24. 15:52

First watched it long time ago, I laughed.
I watched again last weekend, and it wasn't so funny.
I guess I only expected comedy when I first watched it and took everything lightly.
This time, I was on my couch, focused.

A broken family is incredibly sad and time cannot heal it.
People involved can only walk away and pretend everything is fine.

Meryl Streep is an amazing actress.
In every movie she was in that I watched, she had some kinda aura. She outshone everyone.
She takes my focus away from others with her acting.
In special features of The Devil Wears Prada DVD, the director kept saying how Streep put more life into a character that was already charismatic and absorbing. Streep was just that and maybe more. Same goes in Kramer vs Kramer.
In this movie, she is cheerful, high, excited and bears all the burden of kids, loneliness and sadness.
Alec Baldwin and Meryl Streep did crack me up at times, and Steve Martin for the first time I think played non-funny role in a movie. He I think is done. Martin can be better off as a voice actor now.

Streep in that scene was funny.

PS: Do girls really talk to other girls about everything? Hmm...

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG