Met Dave...
We went here and there in the rain of SF...

Yes, he had gotten fat...
but he is still the same guy I knew 10 years ago.
Yeah, I've known him for 10 years now.

As I said in the earlier entry...
He was the first guy I shook hands with,
Sat next to him on my first year in the Philippines...

We spent some time in Japan Town,
my school,
Haight area,
and Clement area...

I was hoping we would drink,
but he had to leave early today to LA...

Well, it was good to meet an old friend...
talkd a lot of people in my past...
some I kinda erased from...

Not a surprise, because I am never sociall oriented anyway...

Well, it was not a good thing to know that we have gotten so old for 10 years...
We are so old now!!!!

He was still Dave,
asked me to go with him all the way to Oakland.... Hihihi...
I knew that would be coming...

Well, hope more would come...
it was really fun...

Old friends... they are still who they were when I first met them...
and I think I behave the way I did when I first met them whenever I am around them.
it washard to show the difference I attained with all my life in Ateneo and here in the USA...
Well, I guess that's what makes meeting an old friend special...

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG