With Music

Daily Words 2006. 4. 29. 18:01

Since my grade school days,
I've been lucky to have a walkman...
Yes, those days, walkmans were used...

And, I've always listened to songs...
While studying, walking around, etc...

When I lost my mp3 player a month or so ago,
I felt like I was dying...

Also, whether it was due to music or not,
my concentration level was down...

Well, now I got another one...
After several weeks of starving and tutoring,
I am walking around with another i-river to help Korean economy and keep the Korean uniqueness,
I feel very comfy in everyday matters...
I am no musician, even though I play some parts of Metallica and Nirvana songs with off-tuned guitar,
Listening to songs is a great part of my life that I can't give up...

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG

       바라기와 버리기신발장에 신발이 늘어 갑니다.옷장에 옷이 많아 집니다.부엌에 그릇이 쌓입니다.사기만하고 버리지 않기 때문입니다.마음에 근심이 늘어 갑니다.머리에 생각이 복잡해 집니다.몸이 자꾸 무거워 집니다.바라기만 하고 버리지 않기 때문입니다.신발장에 먼지만 털어 낼 것이 아니라신지 않는 신발은 버려야겠습니다.옷장의 옷도 차곡차곡 쌓아 둘 것이 아니라자주 입는 옷만 두고 정리해야 겠습니다.부엌에 그릇도 사용하는 것만 두고모두 치워야겠습니다.삶이란 이렇게 바라기와 버리기의치열한 싸움입니다.내 마음의 많은 생각들 가운데내 생활의 많은 일들 가운데 정말 내 삶을아름답게 하고 의미있게 하는 것들만남겨두고 또 버려야 겠습니다.-정용철님글에서-

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG

...Can't Stop...

Daily Words 2006. 4. 27. 16:36

I made a mistake of erasing perhaps the only voice message...
But it was some time ago...

and now, I can't stop thinking...
Oh well...
Finding my rhythm is taking a while...
A long while...

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG