???몄? ???? "??留??? ?④? ??援 ???? ??臾 ??蹂?

??? : 2006.04.03 18:05 56' / ???? : 2006.04.03 19:03 09'

?쇳?? ??援??몄?쇰? 誘멸뎅 ??濡???蹂쇰━洹?NFL) ?? ?쇰낵???? MVP(理??곗??????)?? ?????? ???몄? ????(Hindes Ward??30)媛? 3? ?ㅽ?? ?대㉧?? 源?????55)?⑥?? ?④? 諛⑺??????

?대?? ???? ????痢??? 泥??吏? ? ?대????瑜 ??怨? 癒몃━???? 泥??? 紐⑥???? ??湲??쇱?ㅻ? ? ?????? 鍮???湲곗?? ?대━??留??? ?뱀???? ???댁?몃?????瑜 癒멸??? 梨? 湲곕?ㅻ━怨? ???? 痍⑥?ъ???寃? ???? ???ㅼ????

源????ъ?⑤?? 苑?臾대?ш? ?ㅼ?닿? 寃????? ?ы?룰낵 寃???諛?吏?瑜 ???? 梨? ?ㅼ?? ??湲곕?? ?????댁??吏?留? ??蹂듯?? 紐⑥?듭?? 媛?異?吏? 紐삵????

?????? ?몄?怨듯??났?ъ?? ??났? 吏????ㅻ?遺?? 苑??ㅻ??? 諛??? ? 諛⑺?? ??媛??? ??? ??留ㅼ? ??????Very Pretty)??硫 ????留??? ?④? (??援???) ???? ??臾 ??蹂듯???ㅲ??怨? 留?????

? 誘멸뎅 NFL ???쇰낵?? ???? ???몄? ?????? ?대㉧?? 源????ъ?④? 3? ?ㅽ?? 誘멸뎅 ????????諛? ??????났 KE 036?몄?? ?듯? ?몄?怨듯???? ??李⑺?? ? ??援??μ?? ??湲고??怨? ???? 痍⑥?ъ??? ?ν? ???? ???ㅺ? ???? /?고?⑸?댁??/DIV>
源??⑤?? ??3??留??? 諛⑸Ц???대?쇰ʼn ??誘쇱??珥?怨 寃쎈났沅?? 蹂닿? ?띕?ㅲ??怨? 諛?????

?????? ?쇰Ц?쇰??

--?ы???? ?대????媛?.

? ?μ??媛? 鍮????쇰? 留ㅼ? ?쇨낀???? 洹몃?щ?? ??留??? ?④? (??援???) ???? ??臾 ??蹂듯???? 鍮??? ?대? ???? ???⑤?? ??吏? 紐삵????

--??援??????? ?쇱????.

? ??援??? ???듬Ц??瑜 ???щ낵 寃??대?? ??留?媛? ???대???? 怨노?? 媛?蹂닿? ?띕?? ??留??? ?④? 留????? ?????? 癒밴? ?띕??

--鍮???湲곗???? ?대㉧???? ???? ??????.

? 留??? ??湲곕? ???대?? ?닿? ???대?? 蹂??? ??湲곕?? ??怨?, ??援??????? 愿?愿??? ?대?산? ?? 寃??멸??? ????瑜 ???대?? ?щ?ш?吏? ??湲곕? ????

--??援??? 泥レ?몄????.

? (??援??? 諛??ㅼ?? ?щ?ㅼ?? 留ㅼ? ?????? ?щ?щ??ㅻ?? 移?????寃? 留??댄?댁<怨? ??臾 ??蹂듯???? (??援 諛⑸Ц??) 轅?? ?대?吏? 寃? 媛???

--遺??멸낵 ???ㅼ?? ?? ??????.

? ?대? ?ы???? ?대㉧???? ?④? ???? ?ы???대??

--??援 ? ?쇳???몃?ㅼ??寃? ?댁<怨? ?띠?? ??湲곕??.

? ?쇳??濡? ???대?? 寃??? 蹂몄? ??紐살? ?????? 遺?紐⑤?ㅼ? 洹몃??寃? ?녹??湲 ??臾몄?대?? ?щ?(Hope)怨 ??湲???Pride)?? 媛?議??쇰㈃ ????

??源????ъ? ?쇰Ц?쇰??

-- ?쇰?留??? 諛⑺???멸?.

? 3??留??대??

-- ?????? ?대??瑜 諛⑸Ц??怨? ?띠??媛?.

? 誘쇱??珥??? 媛?怨? ?띕?? 寃쎈났沅??? 蹂닿? ?띕??

-- ??????寃? 沅???怨? ?띠?? ??援???????.

? ?????? 臾댁???대??吏? ?? 癒밸???? 吏щ? ?????? 吏??? ?곕?ㅺ?怨? ?띕??

Source: http://www.chosun.com/se/news/200604/200604030512.html

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG


Daily Words 2006. 4. 3. 16:35

Hard to earn,
easy to spend...


Spending whole day to prepare to teach...
Spending a lot of time to earn to spend...

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG

Among the bright side stories,
Filipinos are known for their hospitality.

I do ge that a lot...

Whenever I mention the schools I studied,
Whenever I utter Tagalog or Bisayan sentences,
I make smiles on most of the Filipinos...
(Not on those who tried to squeeze money out of me through chicanery, though...Haha)

My life,
I am tired to be negative and pessimistic.

I want to be optimistic -
Look only at the bright side of everything.

and I will experience more fun
of seeing smiles on Filipino strangers
when I go back to the Philippines.

If that can happen...

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG