9:30 AM show for $6 didn't come too hard since I woke up at 5 AM. (Sleeping a lot because its weekend and because I hit the sack early is not an option for me, always 5 hour sleep at night.)
Maybe too many people said it was good, too many people said it was like Matrix (the first one).
When I first watched Matrix, I walked in in the middle of the show and it took me a while to grasp.
But I trained myself at various conceptually convoluted movies including Matrix Trilogy and all the Charlie Kaufman movies.
It sounded a lot like Kaufman's movies, BTW.
Just an action/thriller version.
...although it utilized somewhat unused concept of dream in dream in dream... in dream.
DiCaprio is no longer a pretty boy, but since The Departed and Blood Diamond (despite of his horrible accent), I can appreciate his acting more and more. A great supporting cast and Marion Cotillard is again so charismatic.
The movie however was not free from errors though.
The elevator cable being cut by Gordon-Levitt (Arthur) should not be pulled that forcefully when there is no gravity.
The rest points are okay, but I do have a question. Maybe I just don't recall. Why did Di Caprio try to get into Watanabe (Saito)'s mind in the first place?
Okay, it brings me to another point that's not so well laid out in the movie. If it took Watanabe some time to realize that he was still in a dream, why didn't Murphy (Fischer) need to be reminded when he was in the 3rd level of the dream? Or was it assumed that he was reminded? Also, if it took Page (Adriane) to go through lessons to dream and create it the way she wanted it, why didn't Fischer need any such lesson when he was in the 3rd level?
I know Nolan tried to create an action movie so those parts could have been viewed rather boring, but I don't think Kaufman would have left such gaps and inconsistencies.
But, it was entertaining (although not that spectacular) and not even a bit difficult to grasp.