'Penelope Cruz'에 해당되는 글 3건

  1. 2009.06.15 Volver
  2. 2009.04.26 Vicky Christina Barcelona
  3. 2009.03.02 Elegy


Reviews 2009. 6. 15. 15:58

A nice European comedy.
At first, I thought Penelope Cruz was just hot,
but her acting is really smooth as well. I get to appreciate it more and more as I watch her other movies.

This move was rated R, I think it's because of the story line, not because of the little boob exposure - a second or less.

Cruz plays as a mom of a high school kid, and she plays that role perfectly.
That kid is a kid from her father as she was raped (only mentioned in the movie).
And her mom is believed to be dead returns,
and the four women (including Cruz's sister) is able to gather again.

It's entertaining but not much laughter... typical European comedy amusement.
And I loved of twisted events that characters had to go through.
They were unusual and caught my attention.


Posted by 【洪】ILHONG

Vicky Christina Barcelona

Reviews 2009. 4. 26. 17:19
Finally watched after 3 weeks holding the DVD.

Just wanted to watch something, and it was the most sensible choice among the DVDs I borrowed from Netflix - other rented ones are: Madagascar 2, Bangkok Express and the Piano.

I also have several DVDs I bought, but I somehow don't feel like watching them.

Well... about this movie...
What can I say... it's a Woody Allen movie.

Chaos is needed to maintain order and stability...
and human beings are as complex as one can imagine...

Yellowish lighting to fit in the summer of Barcelona... but it was maintained through the last scene when it was already in the U.S. setting...

Good actors and actresses...
I am not sure if Penelope Cruz's acting was worth the Oscar, though.
Maybe because of all the subtitles I had to read instead of watching her face whenever she was on the screen and speaking Spanish.

While watching this movie, I just re-confirmed that I have a soul that needs to be meditated every now and then,
and although ironically I am doing something related to reasons and am ever-worshiping reasons, I am a being who needs a constant conversation with my emotions and soul, which could be just one thing.

Can't wait to have a get away, go to some hotel by water and read...
Maybe not until mid-June.


Posted by 【洪】ILHONG


Reviews 2009. 3. 2. 15:57

A love story between an old playboy and a young(er) woman - perhaps a story that can be summarized in two to three sentences.

But the actors bring the viewing experience to the next level. Intensity of Ben and hot but calm Penelope are well dissolved together to portray a simple story. This was not about the plot anyway, it was more of how the characters react as events progress.

A love and an obsession by an old man on a young woman... Men become kids when they fall in love despite how old they are. Women, can't stand it even if they know it.

Men can't break their shells, and women, therefore, leave.

And years later, when things normalize, things left are love and memory.
No more lust, no more obsession... Maybe a little.
Posted by 【洪】ILHONG