'Lenovo'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2008.11.29 Black Friday Shopping 3
  2. 2008.10.05 Daydreaming - Laptops 4

Black Friday Shopping

Daily Words 2008. 11. 29. 13:47
It's the shopping time of year, and even for me.
I bought a whole lot of stuff today,
all online.
Not one step I was outside my apartment today.
I wanted to go to a restaurant in SF, but I heard of all the horrible traffic jam into the downtown thanks to all the holiday events starting after Thanksgiving, and I was discouraged to go out.

And I seriously think those people who wait outside of shops for nights to get a cheap deal are stupid. If they can find an hourly job to do online, it can get more "saving" than what they can get by waiting and camping outside the store since Wednesday.

Just make sure you find good coupons and nice cashbacks either from FatWallet or Live.com (while it lasts) when you buy online...

Anyway, so I just bought a laptop.

I have been eying on this laptop for weeks already,
and I finally bought it.
I was waiting for some new coupons that would give me more discount on Black Friday, but it didn't happen.

So, I used regular popular coupon code and FatWallet CashBack to get Lenovo's T400.

No, it's not a Mac as many hoped, including a half of myself.

(I am hoping to get it as my next secondary computing machine soon though... hopefully somebody on the street would just give me one for the Christmas.)

T400 has been a very logical choice and I am satisfied.
I was first eying on SL400, but it has horrible reviews and it's hot (literally, temperature-wise) and has a very short battery life.

My T400 is with Core Duo P series, and new light T-series design of Thinkpad (so, I heard it's got a worse keyboard but weighs way less), a 6-hour battery time with 6 cell battery (which I think is perhaps the longest battery life in a PC that is not using ATOM).

Also, I decided to pay more for XP, since I am sick of horrible stories of Vista.

I also paid a little bit more for a HDD with 7200 RPM... sigh...
I just want a fast, light, and heavy computing machine in case I run crazy programs like MatLab, Mathematica, Stata, SPSS, and Crystal Ball...

I am going to give this current laptop to my mom when she goes back to the Philippines. It's still very usable, but it has a few signs of wearing down including noise from the fan and some worn out keyboard buttons.

I know that my new laptop is going to have a worse keyboard than this one, but I think I can let that go for a much lighter body and much longer battery life.

Other than the laptop,
I bought some stuff my mom wants to bring back home in the Philippines.
Some golf stuff I found cheap from eBay and RockBottomGolf,
and she wants to bring some china, too.
That we are still working on it since it doesn't look like they are on sale for Black Friday, anyway.
I bought an external HDD to clean up my laptop so that it will be very fast and optimal for my parents' limited uses - Internet and ... Internet...

Oh, lastly, I got some DVDs off Amazon... I have kept them on my wishlist for a loooong time, and I just decided to buy... I got 3 of the DVDs on the list all under 4 bucks...Hahahaha...

Sigh... time to starve and save, seriously.
The time of poverty has officially begun and it's called the holiday season.
People have to stay at home and enjoy whatever is in home...
Not going out and not acting impulsively.
Impromptu acts could end up with severe impacts for the new year.
Posted by 【洪】ILHONG

Daydreaming - Laptops

Daily Words 2008. 10. 5. 04:09
My laptop is 3 years old by November, and it's been heavy 15 inch awesome ThinkPad... So, I guess I need to upgrade this November... or December...

I have been thinking... since I woke up "early" today...

Laptop Choices:

1)    ThinkPad X 200 (Need a PC), (Need Money for the PC)
2)    ThinkPad X 61s (Need a PC), (Need Money for the PC)
3)    ThinkPad T400
4)    Eee PC 1000H (Need a PC)
5)    XPS M1330
6)    MacBook  (Need a PC or an Eee PC 1000), (Need Money for the PC)
7)    MacBook Pro (Need a PC or an Eee PC 1000), (Need Money for the Mac), (Need Money for the PC)
8)    IdeaPad U330

Mostly Likely case: ThinkPad T400
1)    It’s ThinkPad.
2)    Financially Reasonable.
3)    Reasonably heavy and big to carry around.

2nd Likely Case: Eee PC 1000H + a PC
1)    Light to carry EeePC when needed.
1)    What if I need a computing power when I am using Eee PC.

The Most Desired Case: MacBook Pro + EeePC 1000 + a PC
Reasons Not:
1)    $$$$
2)    High Maintenance
3)    PC would be used only to make payments to Korean websites and downloading stuff that I have no time to play with or to watch.
4)    Eee PC would be used only when going to a café, which is barely once in two weeks.

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG