Sure there were two scenes where camera was clearly shaking a little bit, but it was a great movie over all.
Watched again on Netflix as it's available on streaming services now.
A friendship or love whatever it may be... It's unnatural, and maybe even be forbidden, but it takes its place no matter what. For the sake of writing about it, let's call it love - since it can be perceived as some kinda puppy love.
The plot depicts this unnatural love with following factors (spoiler alert):
1) love between two boys;
2) love between a human and a vampire; and
3) love between a victimizer and a victim.
(I apologize calling the love between two boys unnatural, but because of my 2nd point, I could not say that the movie depicts love of "relative minority". I am fine with homosexuals, heterosexuals, bisexuals or whatever you are. In fact, this movie was recommended by my gay friend ZY. If what I said above offends the reader, let's say my lexicon is very limited.)
Despite of all the unnatural factors, the movie portrays love that was pure and untainted.
This love supersedes all those unnatural factors above and provides the crystal clear view on how pure the love between Eli and Oskar is.
ZY, who introduced this movie also told me about the novel the movie was originated from. He said how detail the book went beyond the movie. I just bought the book off Amazon, and I can't wait to read it. (I am a little bothered about buying books these days because I am running out of shelf spaces.)
This movie, while entertaining me and giving me all kinda emotions, gave me a bitter aftertaste.
Why is it so hard for me to accept and picture myself in some kinda love/friendship these days (which I think I even long for) while I conceptually, and also by heart, accept this love between Eli and Oskar which is against all social norms?
PS: Hollywood is now remaking this film and calling it "Let Me In". Matt Reeves will be on it... It'll be interesting to see how Hollywood ruin an art. Yes, I am biased on this.