'M&A'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2009.07.07 An Urgency Felt by Venture Capitalists?
  2. 2008.10.23 휴가
It's been a rule of thumb over the years that venture capitalists need to make at least one big deal a year to run their business.

Keep that in your mind as you read this.

With the recession in the US, I have observed a clear change in trend of venture capital investors - at least among the companies I worked on and based on the news I've been reading.

- VCs have been pulling fund out of some of their investments.
- While known for giving chances to failures/under-performances, Silicon Vally VCs have been stringent. It does not mean that they have stopped funding all the so-called under-performing companies. But the (re)financing trend has been significantly reduced in the first half of 2009 compared to the first half of 2008.
- VCs seems to be holding a lot of cash. This probably is a result of 2 factors above, but also surprising given the current economic situations.

It's a general gossip and belief now that VCs will be very active this 2nd half of 2009 to make one deal to make profitable year utilizing their current portfolio. They will be very selective in their financing and it will be very concentrated to selected companies under their portfolio.

In the first half of 2008, only one Internet site went to public - Open Table. I was very surprised to see one, and not that of high profile. I've heard of them, but they were never under my radar. Maybe because they were not our client and I never had a chance to use their service to reserve a fancy dining place since I could just check on Yelp and make a call.

I do have a number of clients that are clearly pre-IPO, but it seems like they were advised by the board and underwiters to wait. Exactly what's going on, I do not know.

It will be interesting to see how VCs behave in the rest of 2009, and which of these VC-funded companies involved in large M&As and IPOs.

PS: There were a number of M&As in the first half of 2009, but companies located in Silicon Valley were not really invovled in large deals... So that has to wait, too.

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG


Daily Words 2008. 10. 23. 16:01
내 휴가가 아니라,
사장님이라고 해야 하나...
우리회사 파트너의 휴가...ㅋㅋㅋ

금요일부터 한 열흘 여친이랑 멕시고 갔다가,
다다음주 월요일날 오신단다.

요즘 경기가 안 좋아서인지
일거리도 특별히 없다...


(회사사람들이 혹시라도 읽을까봐 한글로 쓰는 중)

얼마전부터 일하기 시작한 데니스 (하지만 이 아저씨 딸이 나랑 동갑인것 같애...)는
Litigation관련 일만 하는데,
(나는 벤쳐투자기업 관련 옵션하고 M&A만 봐주지, 소송은 안 봐준다)
오늘 이혼소송 케이스가 있어서, 서류만 한 3-4박스 받았던데...ㅋㅋㅋ
엄청 불쌍해...^^
그래도, CFO 경력이 몇년 있는 아저씨라,
이런 서류도 그냥 간단히 파헤칠 것 같은 사람이다.
그리고... 별로 도와주기가 싫다...ㅋㅋㅋ 귀찮어~!!!!
어제는 세무관련 소송때문에 세무법만 뒤지더니, 오늘 완전 폭탄 받은 아저씨. ㅋㅋㅋ
원래 반도체회사에서 있었는데, 경기가 안 좋아서 회사가 거의 파탄맞고,
아들이 대학까지 들어가서 죽어라 돈 벌필요도 없다고,
우리쪽 일을 시작한것 같다. 파트너들이랑은 한 20년전부터 아는 사이고...ㅡ.ㅡ

아, 나는 오늘 저녁부로
급한일 다 끝냈고,
다른 케이스 2개는 계산은 다 해놨고, 리포트만 치면 된다.
그리고 다음주 화요일이나 수요일 쯔음 할일이 없어질 것이다...음하하하하.

데니스 아저씨가 가져다 놓은 7-80년대 락/팝 시디나 잔뜩 감상할 계획이다.
데니스가 음악 광이라, 시작하자마자 시디만 한 30장 가져다 놨다.
이미 한 5개는 내 아이튠에 구워놨고.

유튜브로 한국 프로도 매일 감상도 해줘야 겠지....ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG