'fire alarm'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2009.05.29 Fire Alarm 4

Fire Alarm

Daily Words 2009. 5. 29. 15:28
On the Memorial day weekend,
since I knew that I wouldn't be going anywhere over the long weekend (I don't go out at all anyway these days),
I bought a lot of food on Friday before the weekend.

That include multiple pounds of cherries, (white and yellow) peaches, plums, and sirloin steak.
Yes, sirloin steak.
Yes, fire alarm.
On Sunday evening.

Damn it.

The instruction said put it in an 425 F preheated oven for 1 hour.
I opened the windows,
and started watching basketball.

30 minutes into cooking...
The fire alarm went off.
I had to call the fire department, and 3 firefighters came to kill the alarm and leave in 10 seconds.

How embarrassing. And I really freaked out with the noise...

But it was a marinated meat, so only the sauce got burnt.
The meant actually came out to be medium, with redness right in the middle,
and tasted pretty good although a little bit salty.

Will I cook steak again at home? Maybe... but that time, I will open all windows and fans and everything...
and I will be watching the meat the whole time it's in the oven.

It was really embarrassing to make such noise in Sunday evening.
Maybe I need to go out to eat again?!

PS: I live two blocks away from the fire department, and they drove a fire truck to my apartment... and 3 guys came even though I told them that it's just a fire alarm from burnt food... -_-;; Thanks for coming to kill the alarm anyway, firefighters.

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG