'little sheep'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2009.10.05 Chuseok (추석)

Chuseok (추석)

Daily Words 2009. 10. 5. 19:40

On last Thursday, I realized that it was 추석 on Saturday. I really forgot about it until I checked my Google calendar. Yes, my life would be an unutterable mess without Google.

Since I knew it was the Mid-autumn day, I had to do something. I usually don't forget buying a box of mooncake or 송편 for myself or go to a Korean restaurant when it's an occasion like this. But this year, I went to eat hot pot with JZ (not Jay-Z, although that'd be hella awesome, not that meeting JZ was not cool).

It's been like 2 years since I last met JZ and he recently moved to Berkeley from (the hellish and cursed land of) LA to study at Cal. I remembered that he enjoyed hot pot last time we met and it's been a year since I had a hot pot so I decided to go to Little Sheep with him to celebrate 추석.

Well, the same good taste although the lamb skewer was kinda crappy compared to the taste I remember. But 'twas nice to meet him again.

I didn't greet so many people with 추석 this year because I always had something to do since I realized that it's 추석 time. I feel bad. Won't let this happen with American Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year.

Geez. It's holiday season already.

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Posted by 【洪】ILHONG