'Blah Blah'에 해당되는 글 56건

  1. 2004.09.03 필리핀과 함께하는 C+F콘서트
  2. 2004.08.29 The Return of Park
  3. 2004.08.20 A Strange Blogging Day?

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG

The Return of Park

Blah Blah 2004. 8. 29. 09:16

On my previous blog, I used to write my own column on MLB and NBA...
I do not know the reason why, but I don't feel like going through all...
Plus, it requires a lot of efforts with all the photos and I am easily - or, always- lazy for such things...

But I have to post this here... The Return of Park...
I have not really watched his games... Apparently, ESPN Asia was not really interested in showing games of a Korean, but it was always a game of good team with a bad pitcher... Like, Oakland Atheletics with Harden pitching... Harden is a good pitcher, but not good compare to rest of the rotation... you get what I mean...

Anyway, just watching the photos and reading almost all critics raving Chan Ho Park again felt really great...
Yes, all analysis, in and out of Korea praised Chan Ho's Return...

This is the man who came over hardships...




Posted by 【洪】ILHONG

A Strange Blogging Day?

Blah Blah 2004. 8. 20. 17:50


Look at the number of visitors...

It's really a lot for my blog...

I don't know what is so special about my blog today...

The last thing I posted was some article on an actor, who looks good, or John Kerry thinks sexy...

Maybe putting a photo that enlightens really helped?!


People don't appreciate the tacit truth of the world hidden in my own words?

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG