
Reviews 2009. 12. 4. 18:56

After months and months of holding the DVDs,
I finally watched both Elizabeth and Elizabeth - The Golden Age.
Cate Blanchett is a great actress. She is not the prettiest, or hottest, but she damn can act. Also, as always, I pay extra attention to her accents as she can speak almost all the English accents available.

Elizabeth was very entertaining and great even for me, who has only a slight idea about the Western history. I only read Asian history since I was a kid. My knowledge of Europe is rather of common sense level, but the movie was still entertaining then. Actors were fabulous and the plot was entertaining in Elizabeth. I'd have to dig some Wikipedia articles on Walsingham, like why he was so devoted to Elizabeth and stuff when I have time, but despite of my lack of knowledge, it was still very good.

However, Elizabeth - the Golden Age was boring. If it had not been Cate Blanchett's acting, this movie could have been in line with other trashes. I kept waiting for something interesting to happen, but it was always clogged by nonsense romance involving Clive Owen.

Elizabeth: 4/5
Elizabeth - The Golden Age: 2.5/5
Posted by 【洪】ILHONG