For One More Day

To Think About 2009. 2. 24. 16:47

For One More Day

Here I am, in Houston, for another American Society of Appraisers Business Valuation 204 class/exam,

And I brought shit load of books as usual. I knew that I wouldn’t have time for any reading or even studying other shit than the Business Valuation stuff, but I just had to know that I will have stuff to do when I have free time.

So, I brought a couple of CFA books, For One More Day, and one of the many Star Wars books I’ve had for years now.

Obviously, I had to grab either For One More Day or Star Wars when I tried to sleep, and For One More Day was definitely shorter and had bigger fonts.

Albom had written one of my most loved books of all time (Tuesdays with Morrie), but Five People You Meet in Heaven was so crappy, I just thought that he was just A one hit wonder. I bought For One More Day as a Christmas gift for myself, and I finally got a chance to read it.

It was very easy reading. A very fast reading. Very simply written, perhaps even simpler than Tuesdays with Morrie, but also still very touching. It was not as extraterrestrial-spectacularly touching like Tuesdays with Morrie, but still spectacularly touching.

A son who always has loved his mom.

A son who always never expressed to his mom, never really stood out for his mom.

A son who thought who failed in his life.

A son who had lost his own family.

As the son decides to end his own life, he got a chance to spend one more day with his mom.

Then he gets to fulfill the missing links with his mom.

A mom’s love – the true form of an ever lasting love.

I was very touched. I thought everyone should read this to think of parents.

I did suddenly miss my mom in my small hotel room in Houston on Friday night, but there was no one to talk to.

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG