Everyone should prepare for farewell.
It is better to think that solitude is a faithful friend that never betrays.
It is better to prepare for an umbrella before suffering the cold after being drenched by drops of love.
You should not count on happiness even in the midst of some intense love.
You should not talk of love even if you feel like you'd love till death.
Love is like a season.
Love comes and goes to decorate one's life just to make it less boring.
A piece of ice that begins melting once you call it love.
Farewells come eventually.
Unhappiness never lasts as happiness never lasts.
Farewells occur and so do new encounters.
On the deathbed, everyone reminisces one of these two:
either memories of receiving love or memories of loving.
I want to be the one reminiscing memories of loving.
Loving you is easy;
Being in love with you, however, is a totally different matter.