Wow... Although this blog has disadvantage that my English speaking friends will have hard time going through menu bar because it's all in Korean, I do like the editor here...
Hmm... I really am enjoying this one now...
If zeroboard or such can have editor like this, I will be really pleased...
After all, this is like, but better service I think because of what was lacking, and the fact that it is of yahoo!... ^^;;
I really mean it... with all the emoticons available...
Hope Yahoo! makes a blog, too just like this one... not Yahoo! Korea...
But I think I am getting satisfied here after and certainly lacked what I wanted - privacy in my blog menus - was...too simple and... too boring...
Oh well...
I know that I have to use this more...But I think I am enjoying now...
Hmm...should I transfer all my writings from There are just a lot of them in