This is similar to the list "Things To Do Before I Die".
Well, I will also try to meet them, while we all are still alive... and, not just that end the meeting with an autograph, make a good conversation and learn from them, of course, about life, about love.


1) Dalai Lama
2) Metallica Members maybe except the bassist... they got new bass player.
3) Bill Gates
4) Bill Clinton
5) Paul Halmos
6) Mitch Album
7) Pope [Any pope, but hopefully John Paul II]
8) Paulo Coelho
9) Chris Rock
10) Roberto Carlos
11) Mark Prior
12) Tiger Woods
13) Barry Bonds
14) Randy Johnson
15) Roger Clemens
16) Curt Schilling
17) Laura Esquivel
18) Stephen Hawking
19) Lee Kwan Yew
20) Nelson Mandela
21) Jeannette Lee (Not sure with spelling)
22) Andrew Wiles
23) Tom Hanks
24) Steven Spielberg
25) Matthew Perry
26) David Schwimmer
27) Jennifer Aniston
28) Martha Kauffman
29) Courtney Cox Arquette
30) Mark Victor Hansen
31) Jack Canfield
32) Jay Leno


1) 류시화
2) 박찬호
3) 이건희
4) 신승훈
5) 이병윤 (옛날 선생님) - 어디계신지 맘 먹으면 찾을수 있지만, 아직은...
6) 이문열
7) 김수환 추기경
8) 숭산 큰스님
9) 현각스님
10) 황우석 [성명 불확실 ㅡ.ㅡ]

It's just a pity, almost all thepeople I resepct are all dead... I should look for more...

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG