
Daily Words 2008. 10. 31. 08:28
It's raining in the Bay today.

It was supposed to be only cloudy,
but nobody can really trust weather forecast for 100% here,
especially if you live near water.

Well, it's nice to have rain here.

It never rained for last 8 months or so.
This time it's rain.
There were first drizzles for a couple of minutes like 2 months ago,
but I don't think it lasted that long.

This time, it's not a drizzle and it's rain.

And this is supposed to last through the weekend.

I like the smell and the cool weather,
and a little gloomy view through the window makes me feel settled...

but WHY...

1) I am supposed to drive around this weekend... I am going to work from home tomorrow so that I can move earlier.
2) I just did my car wash yesterday... I knew it might rain over the weekend, but I knew it rarely happened, and I kinda had plan B for the weekend, but since it rained starting this afternoon, no need for plan B...
3) I had new wiper blades ready weeks ago, but I was too lazy to change since I rarely use them... I really was planning to change it by Saturday, and why now!!!

Sigh... so much for the long-waited rain...
Posted by 【洪】ILHONG