Wine and Candle Light

Daily Words 2009. 11. 27. 17:22

Ever since I learned how to drink wine from JO (thanks to JO), it's been one of my favorite drinks.
I recently learned to appreciate sparking wines and white wines, too, but I am still a big fan of all the delicate tastes of various red wines - it's natural for red wines to have more/various flavors because they include the grape skin. My favorites are chianti - for its softness, syrah - for its spicy/pungent sensation, and malbec - for its cooling/clean sensation at the end that's like soda (sort of). I also like pinot noir, but only when it's very good.

Also, I recently got into candles. In fact, I have so many candles lying around in my place.

I find it the most relaxing to drink wine with candle lights - when I am alone.
Doing that kinda fills the emptiness.
Then I either read (with lights on) or watch DVDs (with lights off), mostly.

Maybe I might look miserable to others, but maybe I think I am just enjoying being myself this way.

Right now, I am drinking a glass of an Argentinian malbec, which is known to give a cooling sensation as it passes through throat (as mentioned above). I also have that angel whisper-scented candle  and berry-scented candle lit in my living room.

I am listening to music tonight instead of reading a magazine/book or watching a movie.
Tonight's choice is Misia, a Japanese singer I've got to know two days ago (big thanks to JYK) - and I admit I am so hooked on to her. I don't usually listen to slow temper songs when I am driving unless it's very good, but I already burnt her songs into a CD and have been listening while I am driving for two days. My Japanese is nonexistent, but I do know some phrases and I can kinda guess out what the song means.

Actually, I don't mind knowing the words. Once I get to know what the words mean, I get picky about listening to songs - I mind things such as how the rhymes work, how beautiful those words are, if the vocabularies are appropriate, etc etc. In this way, without knowing Japanese, I just hear good voice and good melody - but I do get intrigued and I do have desire to learn Japanese when time avails.

Nothing... when I have too many things in my head, when I have no one to share my conversation or not in mood to, this soothes me. Each day is turbulence to a soul, it's either someone's companion (be it a family member, friend or lover) that soothes the soul. When I ain't got any - which happens often, this is how I calm the soul down.

What's great is that now I have time to have this one glass of wine with candles lit. I could not have this when I was studying while working.

What a romanticist. But this is how I am and how I came to appreciate non-tangible things in a life.
Posted by 【洪】ILHONG