'Thoughts'에 해당되는 글 46건

  1. 2009.10.19 Memories
  2. 2009.09.05 나는 나무이긴 싫다.
  3. 2009.08.04 MSFT vs GOOG


Thoughts 2009. 10. 19. 10:42
(Frida Kahlo - Memory)

I remember a lot, definitely beyond the point of necessity.
I do also forget things, which often are important matters. But I remember far more things than things I often forget.
I still have photographic memories of events years ago including unnecessary details - e.g. like what kinda food selections were there when I was invited for dinner when I first went to the Philippines to visit my dad in 1992... I actually remember things dated way back when I was a 2-3 years old kid. I remember every meaningless discussions happened over alcohol months/years ago, what kinda food each person in the group had months or years ago, etc.

I always say that it's far worse to remember things than to easily forget them. Of course, there are disadvantages with bad memories, but relatively speaking, I am not sure if it's better to remember every little detail of most of the things.

As Frida painted (above), memory is a (painful but necessary) link between one's birth to death - or youth to adulthood as painted.

I don't think I am extremely excellent in analyzing (if I were, I would be probably doing PhD in mathematics in some good school). Instead, I have so much information  in my brain, and, once I have that information, I can assess them very quickly and efficiently - which is  the reason why I am glad that I moved on and away from the mathematics. With a given amount of information, I can assess them extremely well (just not born-to-analyze-and-be-creative level). This cannot standout without the ability to store information in my brain.

I am glad of that, but it's just that it comes with too much burden...
It takes tremendous amount of effort and energy to view some portions of my past neutrally.
But this is one gift I have, so I have to develop this further and make advantage of this...
This is actually great for my studies and work, but it's just too much regarding my personal past.
Just a way for my soul to grow... Probably just a little more painful than the others, I guess.
Posted by 【洪】ILHONG
한국 친구들 중에서 그나마 가끔 연락하는 친구 보경이의 문뽀 사이트 (www.moonbbo.com) 에서 본 글...
참 감동적인 글이다.

하지만, 참 답답한 글이다.
마음약한 사람들의 말이다.

나는 나무이긴 싫다.

삶의 어려움과 고통을 내 발로 움직여서 피한다는 말이 아니다.
내가 발이 달렸다고 비바람을 피하면서 살겠다는 말이 아니다.
어차피 어려움은 항상 누구에게나 오니까.

저런 "나무"처럼 사람이 살아간다면, 자신의 한계를 알고서 한계 안에서만 살아간다는 말.

인간 존재의 목적은 저런 "나무"보다 더 크게, 자신의 한계를 넘어서야 한다고 생각 한다.
내가 가진것에만 절대 만족하지 않고,
내 자신, 내 자아, 내 영혼을 더욱 크고 단단하게 만들 길을 찾아야 한다.
내가 가진 것만 가지고, 내가 가질 수 있는 것만을 가지고 살아간다는 것은
내 주위와 세상을 그대로 받아들인다는 것.

하지만 세상은 나를 정의하지 않고, 나를 제한 할 수가 없다.
내가 정의를하고, 내가 존재하기때문에 세상이 존재하는 법이다.
세상을 지각하는 내가 없다면, 세상은 없는 것과 같다.
그러기에, 내가 어떻게 세상을 정의 하느냐에 따라서 내 주위에 세상이 변하게 되는 법.

불평을 하겠다는 것은 아니다.
탐욕스럽게 물질이나 부를 찾겠다는 말도 아니다.

내가 말하는 것은 영혼의 양식.
영혼은 삶을 살아가면서 단단해지고 커가야만 하는 것.
그것만이 한 사람이 존재하고 존재를 유지하는 길이라고 생각한다. .
다른 종류에 삶은 무의미하다고 생각한다.

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG


Thoughts 2009. 8. 4. 18:23
I am an economist.
I hate monopolies or oligopolies - both create serious deadweight losses in the economy (Econ101).

But I am also all about innovation, especially in the field of the Internet where I am living my everyday life.

I think antitrust lawyers should go a little easy on the battle of Microsoft ("MSFT") and Google ("GOOG").
They seem to be in mutual hatred and disagreements at least as long as both sides' CEOs and board members stay put.

MSFT has been ever-trying to get Google's Internet ad shares, and Google has slowly been getting into MSFT's territory as well (with Firefox, Chrome, Google Doc, and more).

I think Yahoo's becoming more and more insignificant.
I do check Yahoo Sports several times a day and am an ardent user of Yahoo Fantasy Sport games,
but that's all.

I never use Yahoo on anything else.
Okay, I use Yahoo Messenger, not because I want to, but because I'd rather use what my friends popularly use than trying to convince them to use Google Talk one by one. I am not a good marketer and many can be very innocent and arrogant with what they have.

I also still use Yahoo mail as it is my first email address created in 1997, but it's now mainly to register websites instead of actual email uses.

So, I think Yahoo will eventually become No. 3 in the Internet, and it finally began taking its steps to slide down with the recent search deal with MSFT.

I am not sure Bing is any better than Yahoo Search - both of them are more of directory-oriented than Google, based on my experience.
But Yahoo is in deep financial or management abyss, it's going to be hella difficult for them to grow beyond current position especially when MSFT is definitely determined to expand in the Internet market shares.
MSFT has its unlimited pool of resource (or money) from Windows.
Yahoo got nothing but failed, lame and overpriced acquisitions.

I am an ardent Windows XP user (never used Vista except on my friends' PCs) despite of my growing love to Mac as I have been using Mac at work for almost 2 years. I do have a serious chance of getting a Mac once Korean websites let go of ActiveX usages. But MSFT is MSFT...

They are playing a catch-up right now on GOOG in the Internet market.
GOOG, which intends to innovate products before whether they can monetize or not, is ahead of MSFT in the Internet, but is playing a catch-up in the OS market.
I think as long as these two giants continue to complete against each other, only we, consumers would benefit from all the innovations. I can't wait the day when MSFT decides to develop products before thinking monetization like GOOG does. That should be the only way to catch up with GOOG.

Of course, there is also a chance for them to collude, but I believe that Uncle Sam would step in in case that happens. It's true that many innovations still come from start-ups, but many of those won't attract significant users unless they are supported by industry giants. That is, for it to be famous, it would eventually have to be merged with the giants and these giants.

MSFT might also have to take care of competition in enterprise softwares against Oracle, and they recently showed interest in security market with acquisitions of network security companies, but their clear focus is on OS and the Internet - the two subjects that matters to me directly.

I hope MSFT can merge with YHOO, and start the bloody battle against GOOG.
I am not sure Ballmer is the man enough to do the job (compared to Gates of 90s), but MSFT must have enough talent to make it happen. Schmit is not exactly an ever-successful CEO, too, anyway - which is largely thanks to MSFT.

I talk and talk, but all I can do is wait.
Posted by 【洪】ILHONG