'Daily Words'에 해당되는 글 571건

  1. 2010.02.08 Kids
  2. 2010.02.06 Filling Up the Missing Parts
  3. 2010.02.01 01/31/2009 Dinner 2


Daily Words 2010. 2. 8. 16:23
I love kids.
I love just everything about them, and I hate how they get tainted by the world as they grow older.

I have had kids around me since I was a kid myself.
My aunts were always busy, so I had younger cousins left with my family to babysit.
I've changed diapers when I was barely in a primary school, too.
(Now some those kids are in college).

I used to be called as 형/오빠/bro from kids of those days,
but "new kids" these days refer to me as 삼촌/uncle.

It took me a while to get adjusted to the new title,
but my connection with kids is never lost.

Today, I went to meet JY and EY.
It's always fun to meet those kids - only kids I get to hang out these days.
I always get something for both of them whenever I visit, and I try to play both of them equally as possible.
They like to play with me, and they like me reading books to them.
...and I love doing whatever to make them laugh and smile.

after some time of driving, out of the blue, JY broke the silence and told NY Nuna, who was driving: "Mommy, I like 삼촌."


Posted by 【洪】ILHONG
Source: http://www.moonbbo.com/board/bbs/board.php?bo_table=calendar&wr_id=964

  아쉬움을 채워가는 삶.
+  후회는 하지 않는 삶.
= 내가 생각하는 살 맛나는 삶.

지금은 (1) 해보고 싶은것,  (2) 가지고 싶은것, 그리고 (3) 가보고 싶은 곳들이 너무 많다.
하지만 때를 기다리면서, 하나하나 나 혼자의 힘으로 (1), (2), & (3)을 해가는 맛은 정말 재밌다.

Plus, I am keeping a promise I made to myself: Never go backward - spiritually and materially.
I will look back at myself for a number of times, but I won't give myself any chance to go backward.
I am always going to move forward and achieve (1), (2), and (3).

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG

01/31/2009 Dinner

Daily Words 2010. 2. 1. 14:47
Salmon, Stuffing, & Spinach Salad with Chicken Breast.

I kinda want to try western cooking... not just grilling and stuff.
But some real classy ones as well... Maybe french?

But I don't have much time for that yet.
I do enjoy cooking, I just hate the after-eating process.
(and I don't like to use the dishwasher - it's noisy and I know it does its job but my comfort level is low with it).

God, would I be checking Martha Stewart websites soon? -_-;;
Posted by 【洪】ILHONG