'Daily Words'에 해당되는 글 571건

  1. 2010.01.22 The Uttering
  2. 2010.01.14 New iPhone Wallpaper
  3. 2010.01.07 Invaluable Things

The Uttering

Daily Words 2010. 1. 22. 18:47
Beware of uttering words even though you actually do mean it.
Because once you do, you can't get out of it and the word would eat you up.
You will be totally submerged into the word and its meaning.
If I may say in a fancy phrase: the word becomes you.

I always try to be careful with my words.
I tell stories, but rarely tell the whole truth.
My blog may seem like telling some nonsense stories at times, but is actually full of metaphors only I understand 100%.
Some readers may guess out its meaning, but would have to spend some time on it.

But sometimes emotions takeover my cerebrum.
Then some of words would just slip out of my mouth.
It would not be a lie. (I do not lie).
It would be a matter of how truthful the words are...
and when my emotions take over my frontal lobe functions, I just become too truthful.

And those incidents do happen to me despite of my lifelong practices of watching out on the words I use.

After that, my brain frets over what had been said.
It agrees that what was said is true, but frets over its consequences on myself and on the other end of the conversation.

Now, I am in that stage... I think...
Submerged and fretting. 

Those words I am referring to, of course, would be something very easily found.
Those words would include something like the following: love, hate, like, dislike, care, or miss... something like those.

(When I mean uttering, it also includes any kind of verbal communication made with the other, including writing.)
Posted by 【洪】ILHONG

New iPhone Wallpaper

Daily Words 2010. 1. 14. 17:55
I used to have a picture of EY as my iPhone wallpaper.
Some people who happen to see my iPhone screen have asked me if she was my daughter (Do I look old enough to have a 3-4 year old daughter, seriously?)

I've always thought that I should change,
but I could not come across something that triggers a smile on my face other than EY's cute grin as she licked frosting.
Well, I think I found a substitute after several months.

I don't read as much as I used to anymore, but it's not because I want to.
If I can, I will shut my computer off for days and just keep on reading for hours and days without stop. Unfortunately, that's not feasible in a real life with career and all.

Despite of my well-known love for books, I rarely received books as gifts. I do not know why, but I've heard reasons such as "I might give you something you already have read" etc, etc.
So I go nuts (seriously) when I get some book as a present.
But then, how often do I really receive a gift... Very rarely, thanks to my limited social graph.
Plus, I value people's presence much more than anything anyway. So my appreciation would not be altered whether I receive something material or not. It often leads to a pressure of reciprocity when I receive something unexpectedly.

After all, I am rather a simple human being when I deal with the world outside... It's just that my inner self is what is complicated.


PS: Thanks for the book!!!
Posted by 【洪】ILHONG

Invaluable Things

Daily Words 2010. 1. 7. 16:06
Ever since I re-read what I posted last night,
I wanted to write this... But I had a busy day and was tired to death.

Here it is.

Yes. Time is the most valuable thing in the world to me. It is actually being valued by the wage/salary you are being earned. If not, you would not be working the hours you are working. Yes, the equation of Value of Time = Wage doesn't hold. But I am certain that Value of Time is a function of wage.

However, there are things that cannot be valued.
One very typical example is love. Love of any form - be it storge, philia, agape or eros.
I can arrange them in the order of importance to me, but each of those cannot be put into a finite value.

For me, it's always 1) storge, 2) agape, 3) philia and 4) eros.

Aight, too tired to write too much... I barely made it to the couch as I arrived home.
Took a nap first instead of eating... Still my head feels really heavy.
But here I am, sitting on my desk.
Book to be studied in front of me, scratch papers all over the place, and two phones (iPhone and landline phone) placed nearby... Trying not to leave the phones in the bedroom when I am in the living room.
Posted by 【洪】ILHONG