'Reviews'에 해당되는 글 81건

  1. 2010.02.18 Into the Wild
  2. 2010.02.16 Beautiful Life 〜ふたりでいた日々〜
  3. 2010.01.23 (500) Days of Summer 4

Into the Wild

Reviews 2010. 2. 18. 18:07

I have not watched this move until today because I was never a fan of Emile Hirsch. I don't know what's wrong with him, but he just isn't my kinda actor.

And I blame him for delaying me to watch this movie.

This movie was amazing.
Portrays a life detached from strings of modern society, something that everyone thinks of once in a while - and which many deferred not to jump in, including myself.

But I also saw the immaturity of Christopher McCandless (a.k.a. Alexander Supertramp).
He thought he wanted get away from people and live a life of his own, thinking society (and therefore humanity) is an unnecessary part of human lives; that the world can provide enough for a person to survive.

In the efforts to journey to Alaska, he makes several friends and leaves all of them behind.
In all those meetings and partings, McCandless fails to see the goodness of humanity that he is trying to leave behind.
He is too focused and full of himself that whatever he believes and thinks logically cannot fail.
Yes, the world can provide all for him to survive, true. But the world cannot make him live.

And every human being wants to live. Even those at struggle, they struggle to survive so that they can live.
If McCandless had more time to meditate himself before beginning his journey, he might not have gone that extreme.
When Ron Franz offered to adopt him, he should have gave up his plans.
As much as it was his last attachment to the goodness of humanity McCandless had, it was the last and biggest sign that there is an infinite goodness in humanity.

I, myself is not a fan of meeting new people.
I am often and easily scared of them because I learned that they can cause too much pain and trouble.
Actually, more often than not, humanity in general is every negativity McCandless saw: deceit, violence, lies, etc - which are actually just void and detrimental in living a life.
But I have met a few people who define the infinite goodness of humanity. Although they are very small portions of people I know, the goodness portrayed by them are so large and it outweighs all the negativity of humanity. Due to those people, I can still often step up and interact with strangers - although with scrutiny.

One more thing McCandless missed is that although it's a great experience to experience the world,
but the other (another human being) can provide enough (strange) universe for one to explore and can provide all the happiness.

That's what Franz believed and how he lived his life.
Actually the part with Franz gave so much message about life, including love, forgiveness and God.
McCandless never thought he could be wrong until he read it from the words of someone he really respected truly: Tolstoy. Tolstoy taught him that real happiness takes place when it can be shared, which requires a presence of the other, often physically.

Well, it took me a while to realize all that anyway - although that's more than 6 years ago.
It's such a shame that a soul like McCandless could not survive in Alaska and tell the true tale of his journey.

With my realizations as described above, I should add that I value my family a lot - although often I lack expressions.
I love my parents no matter what.
I know there are people who are so good to me, and I am really grateful to them to death - literally.
But I am sorry to say this (but many will be empathetic): There are two groups of goodness in humanity: Family and Family-like.
It's a clear distinction to me. I would not mistreat and won't get mixed on that.
It might be existing after-effect of all the negativity I had to experience from the humanity, but I won't be misunderstanding and mixing up those two.

Lastly, Sean Penn did a great job directing, although there were some scenes that were not so much of my taste.
4.95/5 (I don't know... it's a really, really great film but didn't awe me)


RIP Christopher McCandless
Posted by 【洪】ILHONG

柊二 : あ、病氣の 事は 聞いた。お母さんから 聞いた。四十三分の 十三っていうの、聞いた。 

杏子 : そう? ごめん。隱してたわけじゃないんだけど、なんか、言う 機會 なくて、ほら、私、こんなんでも、結構 元氣な もんだから その 數字 自分でも 忘れちゃう 事あって、だいたい それ 言われたの、十年も 前の 事だし このまんま いけちゃうのかななんて 最近 思っちゃったりも するし... ごめん。やっぱり 隱してたね。言えなかった。 

柊二 : いや、俺もさ、いろいろ 考えたんだ。うん... もしさ、こう 結婚とかさ、したりとか、ね、なっても、きょうこの 體が... 調子が 惡くなったりしたらさ、ね、きょうこが 中心になると 思うし、俺の 仕事の 方もさ、ペースが 變って來るんだよな、とか、多分 子供も 無理かなとか。ほら、飛行機とかさ、乘る 時 あるじゃん、そーゆー 時、車椅子って やっぱ 荷物と 一緖に 預けるのかなとかさ、そーすると 飛行機の 中でね、きょうこが トイレ 行く 時は 俺は おんぶしなきゃいけないじゃん? そーすると 俺が 寢てても、じゃ、何? 俺は 起こされるわけ? みたいな... 

杏子 : 冗談 言ってるの?  

柊二 : いや いや そーゆー 細かい 所から 大きい 事まで 全部 考えた。いや 俺、細かい 性格だから。で、結論 出た。ていうか 最初から 出てたかも 知れないけど。

杏子 : 何?

柊二 : 俺 あんたのこと 諦めないから。きょうこの事 諦めらんない。何よりも... 何よりも 大事だからさ。

杏子 : 仕事 思うように 出來なくなっても いいの?

柊二 : うん。

杏子 : 子供は いい? 飛行機 乘る 時 おんぶしてくれるの?

柊二 : いいよ。

杏子 : 後、何だっけ、後、そうだ。この 可愛いげのない 性格は いいの? 

柊二 : うんん、それは ちょっと 直してほしいかな。

杏子 : ひといよ。

柊二 : 今 自分で 言ったじゃないか?

杏子 : もしも、もしも、死んじゃっても いいの?

柊二 : 死なねーよ。ていうか、死なせないから。

柊二 : それから 僕と きょうこは 夜の 街に 出かけた。きょうこは 僕が あげた あの 赤い 靴を 初めて 履いた。とっても 似合った。でも 結局 それが 彼女が 赤い 靴を 履いた 最初で 最後の 時=になったんだ。

杏子 : ごめん。しゅうじに 抱き締められてたら 感覺 戾って來た。私、生きてるんだって、感覺 戾って來た。

柊二 : 俺、まだ 安心できねーから しばらく こう してるからな。

杏子 : ごめんね。

柊二 : お前、一人で 死のうなんて すんなよ。うん? 死ぬなら 俺 一緖 死んでるから。

杏子 : マジ?

柊二 : マジだよ。

杏子 : 身體中が 冷たくて 何も 感覺 なくなってたのに 頰を 傳う 淚が 暖かくて、暖かくて、暖かくて、「ああ、私は 生きてるんだ。」と 思った。そして 早くに 死んでしまう 事を 嘆くよりも この 世に 生れて來た 事を 神樣に 感謝した。 こんな 風にして、あなたに 會えて...こんな 風にして、あなたに 愛されて... ねえ、しゅうじ。でも、私は ちゃんと、あなたを 愛せてるかな?

Those two are my favorite parts of this TV show. The former is the end of 8th episode, and the latter is the end of 9th episode - of this 11-episode show.

Due to my openness to drama and immense experience with Korean dramas, which have nothing but love stories, I am often okay with chick-flicks like this. This one at least has both the comedy and emotional parts interchanging, typical Japanese TV romance drama I must say - although the middle part of the story was extremely boring... and they let me know the girl would die in the earlier episodes. Well, it was rather obvious without them telling anyway.

Also I am a romanticist. Even if it may be corny as hell, I can immerse myself and be empathetic as long as it's got some serious parts in it. I am pretty sensitive due to living alone for years and having been addicted to movies and novels that require some serious reflections.

What a weird-kinda geek.

Anyway, the story evolves around a girl (Kyoko 杏子) whose chronic disease name was never mentioned and turned out to be fatal. At first, I thought she was just a differently-able girl on a wheelchair. Although troubled, as a dude with good heart, Shuji (柊二) comes out honest and brave to his feelings towards Kyoko.

In the first favorite part above, I related a lot because of how the dude daydreamed of little things as I often do.

The latter one is my favorite because of how Kyoko says that the embrace gave life (senses) to her. Just that sentence. The rest of the show was rather bland and all very expected.

Gave me laughter once in a while (that means some might laugh a lot) and tears once in a while (more towards the end obviously).

I know I cheated - I had Korean subtitles watching this, but I thought it'd be cool to post the script in Japanese. Hopefully those are right. I have no way of verifying those myself. I just know those Chinese characters and they look like they fit.

Soon, I will catch back up on my Japanese. Maybe I can start around August after my scheduled exams. It should come easy. I have been exposed to Japanese since I was a kid and I am always good with picking up new languages... and I have a Japanese speaking friend now... although I would probably ask only if I am really, really stuck.

Links to Wikipedia: English Japanese

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG

(500) Days of Summer

Reviews 2010. 1. 23. 19:39
A story of 500 days of how a boy's affection evolved: a crush blossoms to love, which transforms to deep-cut wounds, and how it eventually fades away.

Amusing, but 95 minutes felt a lot longer than that.
Could pass for a comedy, but triggered too much (unhappy) recalling.

But a great phrase the movie featured.
"I LOVE US", read the cover of a Valentine's Day card written by the boy of story.
How come I could not have come up with something like that before?
I am a decent writer...<Grin>
Or did I just erase it off my head?
I don't recall.

Aight, it was a very relaxing Friday night with a movie again.
I'd watch another movie if it were a regular Friday, but it ain't.
I really, really feel like studying a little before I hit the sack now that my head and mind are relaxed.

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG