'Daily Words'에 해당되는 글 571건

  1. 2009.11.28 내가 잠꾸러기?! ㅋㅋ
  2. 2009.11.27 Wine and Candle Light
  3. 2009.11.24 시험이 끝났다...
오늘 하루 왠종일 뒹굴뒹굴이였다.
어제 2시에자고,
아침에 7시반쯤에 눈을 떠서는, 아이폰으로 이메일 하나를 보내고 잠들었다.
그리고 11시반쯤 눈을 뜨고, 다시 아이폰으로 채팅을 하고, 천천히 12시반쯤 침대에서 나왔다.
배가 고파서.
어제 leftover를 먹고, 카우치위에 누워서 잡지를 읽기 시작했다.
그러다 자고, 읽고, 자고, 읽고...
I was listening to Misia all the time while reading/sleeping. ㅋㅋㅋ
그러다가, 저녁도 대충 leftover of leftover를 먹고,
아예 침대로 와서 잡지 읽을게 없어서 책을 붙잡고 읽고, 자고를 계속 했다.
티비도 밥 먹을때만 보고 꺼버렸다. 농구 하는걸 알았는데, 보지도 않았다.

날씨도 별로 안 좋고, 지금은 비바람이 불고 있고.

생각해보니 오늘 내 입밖으로 한마디도 안 내뱉은 듯.
오늘 대인관계는 채팅/이메일로 끝. ㅋㅋㅋ
I called JYK, but it went to the voice mail, and I chose not to leave any voice message either.
So, I really didn't say a word today.

아직도 이틀이나 더 놀아야 한다니, 걱정이다.

날씨나 좋아지면 내일은 나가봐야지...
이젠 잘 놀지도 못한다. 놀아도 기분이 안 풀린다.

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG

Wine and Candle Light

Daily Words 2009. 11. 27. 17:22

Ever since I learned how to drink wine from JO (thanks to JO), it's been one of my favorite drinks.
I recently learned to appreciate sparking wines and white wines, too, but I am still a big fan of all the delicate tastes of various red wines - it's natural for red wines to have more/various flavors because they include the grape skin. My favorites are chianti - for its softness, syrah - for its spicy/pungent sensation, and malbec - for its cooling/clean sensation at the end that's like soda (sort of). I also like pinot noir, but only when it's very good.

Also, I recently got into candles. In fact, I have so many candles lying around in my place.

I find it the most relaxing to drink wine with candle lights - when I am alone.
Doing that kinda fills the emptiness.
Then I either read (with lights on) or watch DVDs (with lights off), mostly.

Maybe I might look miserable to others, but maybe I think I am just enjoying being myself this way.

Right now, I am drinking a glass of an Argentinian malbec, which is known to give a cooling sensation as it passes through throat (as mentioned above). I also have that angel whisper-scented candle  and berry-scented candle lit in my living room.

I am listening to music tonight instead of reading a magazine/book or watching a movie.
Tonight's choice is Misia, a Japanese singer I've got to know two days ago (big thanks to JYK) - and I admit I am so hooked on to her. I don't usually listen to slow temper songs when I am driving unless it's very good, but I already burnt her songs into a CD and have been listening while I am driving for two days. My Japanese is nonexistent, but I do know some phrases and I can kinda guess out what the song means.

Actually, I don't mind knowing the words. Once I get to know what the words mean, I get picky about listening to songs - I mind things such as how the rhymes work, how beautiful those words are, if the vocabularies are appropriate, etc etc. In this way, without knowing Japanese, I just hear good voice and good melody - but I do get intrigued and I do have desire to learn Japanese when time avails.

Nothing... when I have too many things in my head, when I have no one to share my conversation or not in mood to, this soothes me. Each day is turbulence to a soul, it's either someone's companion (be it a family member, friend or lover) that soothes the soul. When I ain't got any - which happens often, this is how I calm the soul down.

What's great is that now I have time to have this one glass of wine with candles lit. I could not have this when I was studying while working.

What a romanticist. But this is how I am and how I came to appreciate non-tangible things in a life.
Posted by 【洪】ILHONG

시험이 끝났다...

Daily Words 2009. 11. 24. 15:53
2009년의 시험이 끝이 났다.
원래 12월달에도 시험을 하나 더 보려고 계획을 했었는데,
시험을 하나 더 공부했다가는,
내가 너무 힘들어서, 일단은 포기를 하기로 했다.
포기는 아니지, 미루는 거지.
12월달에 보려고 했던 Actuary Level II는 2월달에 보기로 했고,
6월달에 CFA II는 꼭 봐야하는거고.
문제는 4월달에 있는 Actuary Level III인데...
이거 보고 두달만에 CFA를 볼수 있을 지 모르겠다.

뭐, 그건 그때가서 문제.
지금은 정말 기분이 이상하다.
집에 와서 공부 걱정을 안 해도 된다는게.
내 계획은 몇주 동안은 공부도 안하고, 운동도 안하고 놀기만 하는 거였는데...

내가 나를 알지...ㅋㅋ
아마 2주후에 공부를 안하는게 불안해서 CFA공부를 시작할거란 말이야.
에구...그래도 쫌 연말까지는 놀아보자.

잠 한번에 오래 자는거에도 익숙해지기 시작하면 쉬울거야.
노는 것두... ^^;;

Posted by 【洪】ILHONG